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Hotels in Trouville et Deauville, Honfleur



caen normandycaen

caencaencaen normandie abbaye caen caen normandieabbaye aux hommesabbaye de caen
abbayes de caen

caen Abbaye aux hommes


At the junction of the Orne river and the Odon river, Caen was born under the Norman ones who made a strengthened island. It is in the XIth century that the city took importance, with the duke Guillaume who raised two abbeys for his penitence there in order to cancel his excommunication.

Then he could marry with Mathilde of Flanders - a far cousin, in spite of the objections of the Pope. Mathilde, queen of England after the conquest of Guillaume, died in 1083 and was buried in the abbey of Ladies (Abbaye aux Femmes). In 1087, William the Conqueror was buried in the abbey of Men (Abbaye aux Hommes). These two abbeys made Caen a Benedictine city.

william the great Tomb of William the GReat

abbaye aux hommes

tombe de guillaume le conquérantguillaume le conquerantcaencaen


Normandy : Bayeux - Tapestry of Bayeux - Caen - Trouville & Deauville - Fécamp - Honfleur - Dieppe - Omaha beach - Pointe du Hoc - Rouen - Rouen cathedral - Seine valley

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